Sunday, June 10, 2012

  • Maybe I am naive but people never cease to amaze me. It's like getting the pictures of the Walmart people and you think, "Really????". I am a nurse. I have seen a lot of things and well as I've said before, I am always amazed. This blog is really for no one but myself so that I can verbalize what stupid shit people say and do. We live in a  land of "What does life owe me? I am an American so I am entitled to....well everything!" Tonight I was rounding with the House Supervisor and this young women with a one week old baby had suffered a head bleed. Her fiance was here with the baby. The HS  jumped through some hoops to get him a room for the night and the next thing you know there are 10 more people in the waiting room. The "spokesperson" of the group basically demanded that the hospital find them a hotel room and foot the bill! Really??? When does that happen? I do not understand that concept! Why would you think that a county hospital or any hospital for that matter is going to pay for you to stay and sit around and feed you because you have a family member in the hospital? GO HOME! if you can't afford it. The hospital is going to be happy to get some reimbursement for the ICU stay of the patient. Children are a different matter- and at least one parent should be  at the hospital if possible but again if you can't pay for food from the cafeteria or by your own cigarettes, then GO HOME!
  • OK another pet peeve(I have a ton)... Why do you bring your kids to the hospital? It's not like there is a mom who can't get a babysitter. The whole family comes, the kids sit on the nasty floor, bring crappy food and leave a mess everywhere. I've seen visitors show up with house shoes, flip flops and tonight there was a woman walking around barefooted because her feet were swollen. I'm afraid of the nastiness she had on her feet! Those were some gross, nasty ass feet! Have you heard of pedicure or maybe even just a bath? DAMN! But back to the kids...they don't need to be at the hospital, there are gross, nasty, infectious bacteria just waiting for  some precious little child to latch onto. And you wonder why antibiotic don't work? Leave your kids at home folks.
  • Why does the whole family have to go to Walmart to shop? At midnight? Shouldn't your 3 year old be in bed? Could't one of the parents stay home? I just don't understand that concept. I love going places by myself- And while we are at Walmart , have you been to the toy department at Christmas? DO parents not teach their kids anything? It looks like a tornado has rolled through and why would I buy something that 100 kids have touched , turned on etc. I feel sorry for those toy department workers, they have their job cut out for them. Don't you think that they could set up an area with one of each toy and let the kids go to town? Then they might sell some stuff in good condition. I think it's just a spot for babysitting for  the parents while they shop... I know I digress
  • OK back to the hospital, I'll leave Walmart shoppers alone for a while... I was in the ER just now when the charge nurse came around the corner and gave a sandwich meal to a patient family. Sometimes if patients have to wait a long time the hospital does have some really nice lunches. Ham and cheese on a croissant with chips and fruit. Even I would eat it... So he hands her the meal and she says"Sir this is cold can you heat it up?" Are you effing kidding me??? Are you at the freaking Hilton Hotel???? No you are in the ER with your crazy ass relative who needs to have her ass at home and quit waisting my tax paying dollars because her stomach hurts. Take a shit!
  • So I am with the House Supervisor when she gets a call from EMS that they are bringing in a one year old involved in an MVC and possible ejection coming in code 3 (CPR in progress). So the baby gets here and they are not coding him but he is screaming and find out he was not in his car seat and was thrown around the car. So what led to all of this??? The family was hanging out downtown, pulling a gun on people coming out of the bars and robbing them and the police show up and they jump in the car and take off...therefore the baby is not in the car seat..A police chase ensure and after a bit we crash! But we all take are one year olds with us when we attempt felony robbery at 2:00 in the morning...So everyone's going to jail and I guess that baby is getting a new mommy....
  • Can I just say that if you are a kid, please wear a helmet on the ATV. It will kill you and then I will come and have to ask your mommy and daddy for your organs because your brain is squished and you are dead...It's not cool but save your parents some heartache..just do it..
  • OK that's it for a few minutes...until I get something else under my skin- well I have an observation (not a gripe) about most things.......
  • Just one more observation about myself...I can't type and can't spell so I acknowledge that---just live with it.

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